Friday, August 12, 2011

It's Friday, Friday, Friday!

I blame my cousins for getting this stuck in my head (hey, at least it's the "Glee" version). At any rate, I'm thrilled that it's Friday. We have a fun weekend ahead filled with friends old and new, and in between all that laughing and catching up, I hope to do more than my share of relaxing.

Here are a few things that caught my eye this week, while I was busy counting down to this (gloriously mild-weathered) weekend:

Backyard Scrabble

Ahhhh! I must have this. Also, I just broke down and traded in my broken-down, double-letter-typoing Droid 2 for an iPhone. Which means... SCRABBLE ON MY PHONE! Not as cool as life-size scrabble on the back patio, but it's something. Via stephmodo.

Welcome New Neighbors cards

I'm pretty sure if any of our neighbors had given us these when we moved in, I'd be eternally charmed. Such a fantastic idea, and easily DIY-able if you wanted to design your own. Via the kitchn.

Google Before You Tweet

This is probably my biggest pet peeve with Twitter. Seriously, you're tweeting a question you could answer for yourself quicker if you just typed the exact same thing into a search engine? Sigh... Letterpress (natch) via i love typography.

Speaking of letterpress... a big hug goes to my friend Nole this week, both for her smarts in taking a week off to welcome her awesome husband back from Iraq properly, and for letting me play on her blog while they reunited. Today's last guest post, by the way, is all about gardening, with lots of pretty stuff to ogle.

 Urban Gardening letterpress print from Starshaped Press


  1. backyard scrabble? i love it! re: google before you tweet: YES. and to that i would add, check before you FB (or tweet, for that matter).

  2. 1. i love the welcome neighbor cards! we should really do that for our new neighbors. mostly because i want to see their gut/reno.
    2. i cannot stand when people use twitter as google. CANNOT STAND IT.
    3. i second the above snopes check. especially on facebook. the majority of my facebook friends are idiots though.


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